Mohawk Village Memorial Park is open to all, and we encourage all individuals and abilities to visit, especially those the park commemorates. In phase 1 of ‘Safe walkways in the park’ we were able to provide accessible routes to our park’s existing features. In phase 2 we plan to provide additional walkways to our new and proposed features in the park. Safe and accessible walkways are necessary, as the natural landscape does not provide secure or accessible routes. The children who once attended the Mohawk Institute Indian Residential School were now in their late 50s or older and several former students faced mobility challenges that required walkers, wheelchairs or other mobility aids.

Safe Walkways in the Park – Phase 2

The ‘Safe Walkways in the Park – Phase 2’ Project is 0% complete

Accomplishments include:

Funds Needed: $ 0

Funds Raised: $ 0

Project funds were secured through grants and donations.

Donations from Organizations:

Purpose of Funds:

Other Funding Sources
Mohawk Village Memorial Park Funds: $
Purpose of Funds: Construction costs

  • Design and Planning
  • Budgeting and Financing
    • Fundraising
    • Donations
    • Secure funding through grants
  • Hire Contractors
  • Construction Phase
  • Inspection
  • Post-Construction report

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

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