Tiered Garden
The memorial tiered garden area will become a space for all individuals, especially former Mohawk Institute Indian Residential School students to relax and reflect on their past, present and future while in nature.
The tiered garden will be developed on a sloped area into the park. Each tiered garden bed area will be comprised of armour stone retaining walls. Natural stone guillotine steps will be featured down the centre, with tiered garden beds on either side. These steps will be an added entrance into the park, as an accessible sloped ramp/walkway has been constructed at the end of the proposed tiered garden area. The middle tier will also showcase a bench area, where one can sit while overlooking the tiered garden and other features in the park.
Project Status
The ‘Tiered Garden’ Project is 0% complete
Accomplishments include:
Project Finance
Funds Needed: $131,693.51
Funds Raised: $
Project funds were secured through grants and donations.
Donations from Organizations:
Purpose of Funds:
Other Funding Sources
Mohawk Village Memorial Park Funds:
Purpose of Funds:
Project Breakdown
‘Tiered Garden’ Project Breakdown:
Tiered Garden Phase 1
Tiered Garden Phase 2
Tiered Garden Phase 3
Tiered Garden Project Phase 1
Staircase Area (Armour Stone Retaining Walls & Guillotine Steps)
- excavation
- compacted aggregate base
- Flamborough Dark armour stone units
- Silver Grey natural stone guillotine steps
‘Tiered Garden’ Project Phase 1 Total $69,687.75
Funds raised for ‘Tiered Garden’ Project Phase 1: $ 0
Tiered Garden Project Phase 2
Staircase Area – Paver Walkways
- excavation and removal of fill from site
- permeable concrete base reinforced with steel mesh
- Permacon Mondrian 60mm pavers
- concrete edge restraint
‘Tiered Garden’ Project Phase 2 Total: $29,991.07
Funds raised for ‘Tiered Garden’ Project Phase 2 : $ 0.00
Tiered Garden Project Phase 3
Staircase Area – Garden Bed Preparation, Planting & Mulching
- excavation
- triple mix
- budgetary plants (plants: Evergreen Trees, Shrubs, Perennials and grasses)
- composted pine mulch
‘Tiered Garden’ Project Phase 3 Total $32,014.69
Funds raised for ‘Tiered Garden’ Project Phase 3: $ 0.00
Project Timeline
- Design and Planning
- Budgeting and Financing
- Fundraising
- Donations
- Secure funding through grants
- Hire Contractors
- Construction Phase
- Site Preparation
- placing armour stones
- planting
- Post-Construction report
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!