Healing Pathway
In the 1960s a number of Mohawk Institute Residential School students were part of 60s Scoop, as child welfare authorities put them into non-indigenous foster homes rather than returned their families or put in indigenous foster homes. The government felt justified into doing this as they believed the children would better off in non-indigenous homes. This was a continued policy of forced assimilation that was experienced in the residential school system.
This pathway is dedicated to residential school children that were part of the 60s Scoop era.
The ‘Healing Pathway” is the entrance and the one of the first impressions of the park. It welcomes all individuals and abilities entering and will connect to the longer pathway into the park. It is our hope the memorial park may generate feeling of well-being to survivors, who once felt their negative experiences during their youth were dismissed, and were of no consequence.
Project Status
The ‘Healing Pathway’ Project is 100% complete
Accomplishments include:
- Healing Pathway Site Prep
- Pouring of the ‘Healing Pathway’
Project Finance
Project funds were secured through grants and donations.
Grants from Organizations:
Funding from this program is through a generous grant from the Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation:
Purpose of Funds: ‘Healing Pathway’ Construction costs
Other Funding Sources

Project Timeline
- Design and Planning
- Budgeting and Financing
- Secure funding through grants
- Hire Contractors
- Dan Elliott Construction
- Construction Phase
- ‘Healing Pathway’ Site Preparation
- ‘Healing Pathway’ Construction
- Post-Construction report
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!