Mohawk Village Memorial Park relies on a variety of sources for funding for the construction of the park, operations, salaries and other costs. These sources include: fundraising events, charitable foundations, grants from local and government organizations and private donations. Our donors help make sure we have the funds to follow through on our mission of building the park to honour the former students who attended Mohawk Institute Residential School.
No, we have never received a large sum of money to complete the park. However, we have received funds for specific construction projects in the park, yearly operating costs, a yearly contract salary and other costs.
You can donate to the park
- By Cheque (mail)
- E-transfer
- Canada Helps
- GoFundMe
Memorial Park
184 Mohawk Street,
Brantford, Ontario
Our Park is located at a historically unique location which is on girls’ side of the former Mohawk Institute Indian Residential School. The park is adjacent to the Woodland Cultural Centre
We have a concept design of the park, however it is a concept that can be redesigned.

The benches, picnic tables, waste collectors in the park video are a concept. We plan to have the park as natural as possible but, in some cases, other materials may have to be used. Pro and cons evaluation of materials will be based on durability and stability
Example: Wood plastic composite offers wear resistant wood alternative made of recycled plastic and wood.
Site Preparation (Removal of the dead/diseased trees)
Park Signage
Pavilion phase 1 (plans, Foundation, Rough in)
Pavilion phase 2 (Structure of Pavilion shell and roof)
Memorial Circle
Archaeological Dig to stage 3 (stage 4 was not needed). In-kind donation from ARA Archaeology Research Associates