Board of Directors

Chair – Roberta Hill
Board Secretary – Dawn Hill
Board Member – Sherlene Bomberry
Board Member – Shelley Clark
Treasurer – Amanda Hill
Board Member – Kalia Kennedy
Our Donors
Mohawk Village Memorial Park would like to thank the generous individuals and the following donors:

Financial Statements

Our full financial statements are audited annually by Millards Chartered Professional Accountants
Archaeological Assessments
Archaeology Research Associates
Ground Penetrating Radar
Archaeology Research Associates
In 2017, to guarantee there is no risk of destroying archaeological evidence, the Archaeology Research Associates (ARA) provided Mohawk Village Memorial Park an In-Kind Donation of their services. The services offered by ARA were on a pro bono basis and assessments were processed by ARA and project volunteers.
To date, ARA conducted an Archaeological Assessment of all 5-acres of the Memorial Park grounds to stage 3 assessment. However, a suggested Stage 4 excavation of the proposed Fire-pit Area is needed for future construction of this park feature. A start date for this area is estimated for 2025 or later (Funds and project volunteers are needed).
Ground Penetrating Radar
With the 2021’s discovery of 215 unmarked graves in Kamloops, BC, we felt it was necessary to initiate a second look of Mohawk Village Memorial Park’s lands with a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Scan of the park. In the fall of 2022, the GPR scan was completed and we were approved for further development of our park.
Arborist Report