Memorial Wall Area
Funds Needed: $ 436,585.84
Funds Raised: $ 150,000.00
To date there is an estimated 5400 children who attended the Mohawk Institute Indian Residential School. The Memorial Wall will list approximately 60 plus communities across Canada from which children were taken. These communities are the current confirmed number and the number may change as data is still being collected on youth who attended the Mohawk Institute, which operated from 1834 to 1970.
Memorial Wall Project Breakdown:
Memorial Wall Project Phase 1
Memorial Wall Project Phase 2
Memorial Wall Project Phase 3
Memorial Wall Project Phase 4
Memorial Wall Project Phase 1
Memorial Wall
- This includes granite, Memorial Wall foundation, delivery, setting, lettering and design. Any future lettering and design will be at additional cost.
Memorial Wall Project Phase 1 Total: $ 300,000.00
Funds raised for Memorial Wall Project Phase 1: $ 150,000.00
Memorial Wall Project Phase 2
Memorial Wall Area – Concrete Foundation Work
- excavation and removal of fill from site
- form and pour a concrete trench footing 4′ below grade, reinforced with rebar
- remove trench footing forms
- lay cinder block from the trench footing to grade, reinforced with rebar
- pour concrete in the cinder blocks, and form and pour a concrete pad at grade on top of the wall.
- remove concrete pad forms
Note: This includes a foundation for the reflection bench only and does not include foundation work for the memorial wall.
Memorial Wall Project Phase 2 Total: $9,822.34
Memorial Wall Project Phase 3
Memorial Wall Area – Reflection Bench
- bench to be 20′ wide, 18″ tall and 1′ deep
- cinder block center wall for structural support
- polished black granite slabs surrounding the cinder block wall
- 2″ rock-faced black granite capping
Memorial Wall Project Phase 3 Total: $36,904.79
Memorial Wall Project Phase 4
Memorial Wall Area – Paver Patio
- excavation and removal of excavated fill
- install forms for the concrete base
- permeable concrete base reinforced with steel mesh
- compact the concrete base
- remove concrete forms
- HPB levelling course
- Permacon Melville 60mm pavers
- polymeric sand
- concrete edge restraint reinforced with rebar